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1970 Cutlass Supreme Y79 SX W-32 Convertible

My interest in antique and classic cars stems from childhood growing up in a
time when they were a consistent daily sight. My family (especially my Dad)
was an Olds family from my first memory of my Dad's 65 Dynamic 88 sedan,
his 69 Delta 88 Royale sedan, his 74 Delta 88 Royale sedan, to his 81 Delta
88 Royale sedan. My Mum got into the game a bit late, but entered with her
75 Cutlass coupe. I have owned many Oldsmobiles throughout the years,
(my wife owned a 72 Supreme coupe, unfortunately for her 30th anniversary
of owning it, it was totaled in an accident with a newly licensed 16yr old),
so now concentrating on the preservation of my documented 70 SX W32
convertible that I have owned since 1999.

I would love to babble on and on about my love and passion for cars, but
here is a little babbling about business.

I have collected GM and Oldsmobile memorabilia for many years, window
stickers, sales brochures, assembly manuals, etc. and in 2016 from having
pretty much all documentation on my wife's 72, one piece we did not have
was the window sticker, so it was decided I would create one for her 72.

I started collecting authentic stickers and pics of stickers, GM bulletins,
shipping orders, check sheets, and miscellaneous Olds literature, from all
different years that I could put my hand on, amassing quite a large database
of information in the process.

During my research I did come across the blank sticker templates that were
available online, then immediately started comparing them to the authentic
stickers in my collection, and saw that they were quite different. Studying
them more closely, I noticed more and more of the differences, even text and
verbiage on most had many errors.

As my research continued, I learned more and more about the changes
and small idiosyncrasies that were particular to each factory and vehicle
application, text spacings, commas, abbreviations, asterisks rotated
differently, fonts, serials, perforations, pin feeds, prefixes, suffixes, and
much much more.

Being a computer graphic designer, I had already decided to create my
own templates from scratch from the get go, wanting to ensure they
are as accurate, and authentic looking as they can be.

Starting with the stickers from 1964-1973, it definitely became quite the
challenge to create a document that would mirror a window sticker produced
from each of their respective factories, and many months were spent creating
each template from scratch to reproduce as much detail as was possible.

I then began researching additional years, 1974 through 1987 and decided
to take the even larger task of creating the sticker templates for those years,
learning all the nuances and varying sizes as the model years progressed.

The template blanks I have created for each year and model are about as
100% accurate, and possibly the most accurate short of an NOS template.

1972 Cutlass Supreme L-34
All our window sticker and document templates are custom created, we do not use pre printed templates.
These generic templates are unfortunatly not "Correct" or true to the originals in many ways,
and are sold overall for multiple years.

All our window stickers and documents are created with the correct IBM fonts as used by GM for that time period.
Each year had differences, changes were made (some slight, some major) that classify each model year.
We use the appropriate template based on year, model, build factory, and
production month, of your vehicle.

1968 Demmer Tool and Die - Detroit, Mich
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