All our window sticker templates are custom created, we do not use pre printed templates.
These generic templates are not "Correct" or true to the originals in many ways, and are sold overall for multiple years,
which also is very incorrect.
All our window stickers are created with the correct IBM fonts as used by GM for that time period.
Each year had differences, changes were made (some slight, some major) that classify each model year.
We use the appropriate template based on year, model, build factory, and
production month,
of your vehicle. |
1977 Cutlass S Colonnade / W-29 442 Coupe (Arlington Factory)
All Models for 1977 require a GM dealer invoice which can be ordered
directly through the GM Heritage Center at:

Once the dealer invoice is recieved, please email a copy to:
Please include the year and model, your name and all contact info. |